When others dreamed of being the hero of the film, I only dreamed of being the soundtrack.
David Abakan
Born into a musical family, Abakan was rocked from a young age by a multitude of musical styles, from Toto to George Benson to Michael and Chaka. His father, a singing guitarist, was a great source of inspiration for him and passed on his passion for music.
Abakan started playing alongside him at a very young age, and quickly developed a love for singing and melodies. After more than 15 years of performing in concert cafes, Abakan decided to compose his first album. This album, with a live sound, is under the sign of sharing and collaboration, with many guest artists such as Thomas Faure and Vincent Payen from Electro Deluxe, Raphaele Atlan, Hkb Finn, Goldey, Fred Dupont, and many others.
Abakan will have the chance to play this album in several mythical Parisian venues, including the New Morning, and to do a mini-tour in Asia.
In 2018, Abakan signs with Active Record and releases the single “The People”. This title allows him to get significant media coverage on the web as well as several radio passages.
"A very slick video and a touching simplicity in both instrumentation and lyrics. Nice surprise!"
Jessica Saval - Rolling Stone France
"What a joy to discover this title. What a voice! It's rare to hear such beautiful things, so a big thank you "
Matthieu - Scout @Spinnup